Friday, March 19, 2010


As promised, by the title you can tell that this post is going to be all about one of my favorite places! I think the reason why I love it is because it's one of the only places that most closely resembles a store that could be found back home in the U.S. I would start off by describing it as the closest thing to Target here. It's really crazy, I realized when I first got here and was trying to find stuff for my little studio apt that there really is no everything-in-one affordable store like Wal-Mart or Target. The only thing is Ikea which are located in the 'burbs, outside of the city, kind of a big schlep. I did it once, by myself, and although maybe in need of a couple more things, I have not felt it's worth that haul again.

Anyway, back on the subject. Monoprix is a grocery store that has two levels, or two parts, depending on which of the many in the city you stumble across. One part is for food products, like bread, wines, deli stuff, freezer stuff, etc. The other part has clothes, cosmetics, shampoo, toothpaste, towels, dishes, books, sheets, containers, etc. You hopefully are getting the picture. The second part is what kind of reminds me of Target, just a more down-scaled version.

There are also stores called Monop' scattered around the city as well, and cleverly, the name embodies what the store has--half of what Monoprix has, meaning groceries only. When I realized this, I was definitely an even bigger fan of the whole company.

Lucky for me, I'm smack dab, distance-wise, in between a Monoprix and a Monop'. Very convenient :) Anyway, I'm in love, and I have to say I think I'll miss shopping there once I come home...that is, until I'm reunited with "Tar-gét" et le Wegman's haha.

p.s. I've heard that the Wegman's near me at home is completely reorganized and totally different inside! I'm super curious about it now!

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